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I Have Agoraphobia! See my Agoraphobia!

Tenacious D Rocks.

One Year

2002-10-24 - 5:01 a.m.

Hey, I just checked, and it seems that this is's 1 year anniversary. Let's give a round of applause for wasted hours in the middle of the night. Yay!

I already kind of commented on all the things I've accomplished in the last year...quite a few things, really, but there's no need to put them all here again.

In fact, I have nothing planned for this entry. I've changed, the diary has changed, the world has changed...but somehow I still manage to make time to avoid work.

I had hoped, originally, to keep things political, but as early as My second entry I had adopted a somewhat flippant attitude, and by the time of (one of my all-time favourites) the Fourth I had given up completely on any pretence of keeping the journal serious. It was me, and I can be darn silly.

I can also procrastinate, and so my entries kinda stopped after only about 10 or so, but when I came back, babbling about Heinlein it wasn't long before I was posting up to 6 entries in a single day.

Pookie, who hasn't always been featured in the best light, taught me about Death in the spring, and I took some risks for the better over the summer.

I also learned how to make links and banners and taught everyone how to make the Best Dang Vegetarian Chilli You'll Ever Make!!!.

And a bunch of other stuff, too.

And now I'm getting really nervous that none of those links will work. Cross your fingers for me...


The Magus

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