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Random Magey Goodness

I Have Agoraphobia! See my Agoraphobia!

Tenacious D Rocks.

Hooray for the First Entry!

2001-10-24 - 4:04 a.m.

So, this is my oh-so-happy first entry. I suppose I should talk about myself and some of the reasons why I've started up here.

As it says in my profile, I'm just a guy with opinions. Some of them are pretty boring, common-place opinions (peace is good, love is nice, babies are cute so long as they aren't puking, or shitting, or mine), and others might get some peoples' hackles up (We -should not- be at war in Afghanistan, even the Religious Right should have the right to speak openly, and 2am is -way- too early to close a bar).

Some people said if I put up a website, they'd read it (probably only to giggle about me behind my know who you are), and in part this website is dedicated to them.

This website, and the opinions I voice later on, also owes a huge debt of gratitude to a little BBS in my home town of Halifax, Nova Scotia, called "Paradise Lost". That was where, at the tender age of about 15, I learned to read other peoples' opinions and to voice my own. I learned a lot about what it is to be angry at the way things are going in the world, and a lot of reasons to be angry. I wish things had gotten better in the last ten years, but it seems like it hasn't. If anyone from Paradise Lost (Devils' Advocate, Mephisto, Dennis Moore, John Hutchinson, or anyone else) happens to see this site, it would be great to hear from you. You'd know me as Mage.

I guess the last big reason for this site is because I'm a writer, and I express myself best in writing, and lately there's been a lot that needs to be expressed. For the last two months every time I opened the newspaper or watched the news I've been seeing something that is just plain wrong. My civil liberties are being taken away, we're shooting and bombing people in the name of "justice", globalisation is going ahead full-steam without the consultation of the billions of poor who will be affected, the environment is still taking a backburner to profit, selfishness, and politics.

I don't see enough discussion from the people who actually are affected by these (and other) issues, and it gets damn hard to find an opinion that isn't biased by the rich and powerful. Maybe the terrorist attacks on the states can be a good tool for us to use to make this world a better place, but right now it isn't.

So, this is my site. Hope you like it, or if you don't, hope you hate it...and write me...all opinions are based on the knowledge we me to grow in my awareness of the world, and I hope I can help you to do the same.


The Magus

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