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Tenacious D Rocks.

Bukakke - defined

2002-10-25 - 4:46 a.m.

I may have to bow down to the good Dr, who signed the guestbook saying that bukakke is cum drinking, however it may be that we are -both- right. My sources only seemed to focus on the group-of-guys-cum-on-woman's(or man's)-face, and in all the pictures we looked at (we had to make sure, you see...) I don't recall a container at all.

However, upon asking Pookie, he defined it as "A group of guys jack off, around a woman, and she collects it [the cum] and drinks it all." I asked if containers were required, and he wasn't sure, but admitted that it "would help [if there were] beakers or mugs or something."

And I must say that I have never been this raunchy in this diary before. I kinda like it, but I also feel kinda icky. I think I'll lay off the subject for a while, but I felt, in the name of accuracy, that I should post a definitive definition of bukakke before moving on to other subjects.

What I'd like to mention now, because I get a bizarre little thrill about it, is that if you happen to read the results of the last Canadian census, you'll notice that there are some thirty to forty thousand same-sex common law couples. I'd like to announce that Pookie and I are one of them. When we filled out the census I had no idea it would feel so weird seeing myself as a statistic, but it does, and it's kinda cool.

I suppose that's all I have to say just now...I may write later about gay marriage, and the arguments for and against within the gay community. Gee, I guess I'm doing a theme week.

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The Magus

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