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I Have Agoraphobia! See my Agoraphobia!

Tenacious D Rocks.

Tough Love

2004-07-18 - 1:06 p.m.

Well, it looks like I lost all the work I did yesterday, but at least I know where I'm going with that short story, and I should have a rough draft finished by today.

I also have to realise that I have another addiction, one I've talked about before. I'm so sorely tempted to go out and buy more books. I have a $20 gift certificate from my brithday that I'm hoping to use toward a copy of The Chicago Manual of Style (and then I will have as solid a grounding - text-wise - as I need to be a professional editor, really), but I want to just go and buy a couple paperbacks, even though I have a million unread books right now.

I don't need any more books!!

So today will be all about letters. Writing and reading, non-stop. It's time to get off my ass and start reading those books that I cooed over so much when I got them. When I've made a good effort at reading, then may I go and buy some new books.

So there.


The Magus

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