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I Have Agoraphobia! See my Agoraphobia!

Tenacious D Rocks.

My brain has a pause button and I'm using it for evil

2004-07-18 - 5:26 p.m.

I need some writer friends. Like, my short story just kind of came together for me in my head, which is a great and dangerous time, because my brain kind of takes a pause once everything fits. This pause can be used to talk with people about the story and to test things out to make sure they do fit (which is why I need writer friends), or it causes me to close the story window and start navigating the web and checking online forums and updating diaryland diaries (cough.) and then it's really hard to get back to the writing.

Because I know that procrastinating is exactly what I'm doing, and because I know that I'm harming no one but myself, I have no excuse and I will get back to my story. It just would be easier if I had a writer friend.

Of course, being the antisocial sort of fella I am, I have no real desire to go out and make new friends. Or to be friends with people who've gone out to meet me, so I ought to stop musing and get back to work.


The Magus

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