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I Have Agoraphobia! See my Agoraphobia!

Tenacious D Rocks.

Phoned in performance

2004-07-06 - 8:56 a.m.

In other news, I yelled at a phone solicitor last night.

My cable company has called me 3 times in the last two weeks to sell me a "new offer" and a "great deal." I hate those phone calls because I don't like hanging up on people, so I try to get a word in edgewise, and they keep asking me new questions ("Did you know that you can get digital cable, thirty new channels and 2 free pay-per-view movies all for 13.99?!"). The first two times, I managed to be patient and tell them that I wasn't interested. I didn't even interrupt them. They're just doing their jobs, after all.

But last night, a lady called me and I asked if she and her co-workers could stop calling me, please, because I have no money and it's depressing being offered something I can't afford. The lady seemed offended that I wanted to be removed from the list and I explained to her that I'd already spoken with two of her co-workers and that I didn't feel we had anything more to say to each other.

She said that she could remove my name from their phone list, but that it would take a couple of weeks and I would probably receive one or two more calls before then, so I might want to avoid answering the phone.

I flipped out.

I didn't get abusive...I think I was more on the line of incredulous/angry than being offensive, but I told her that 3 calls in two weeks was unacceptable, and being told to screen my calls went WAY over the line: I shouldn't have to do that at all. I told her that I didn't want to have any more calls trying to sell me something and that if I did, I would find another provider for my internet services.

She put me on hold and passed me to a supervisor without telling me that's what she was doing.

The supervisor seemed kind of timid, but assured me they wouldn't call me anymore. I explained to the supervisor that I understand that they have a job to do, but asked her to pass on to the people in charge that some people don't want to be advertised to all the time. I said goodbye and then went to bed.

I don't think there's a moral to this story, other than to stand up for your rights (or that the world is going to shit really fast). It just pissed me off. I hate being mad at people on the phone.


The Magus

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