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I Have Agoraphobia! See my Agoraphobia!

Tenacious D Rocks.

Call Control

2004-07-06 - 9:09 a.m.

Oh, yeah, the interesting thing about that (to me, anyway) is that throughout the whole call a part of me was going through a checklist of call-control techniques. There were a few moments where the lady could have calmed me down, just by using some good customer service or by recognising exactly what it was that was giving me the problems. It was weird, but kind of cool. I think I'm a good customer service person, and I would have handled me a lot differently. Still, I think she panicked, so she did the right thing by handing me off. She should have warned me, though, instead of just putting me on hold.


The Magus

PS: There. Three entries in one day. That should make up for the silence of the last few weeks, right?

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