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After School Activities

2004-06-22 - 9:03 a.m.

On a writers' list, someone suggested we all join this. The idea of that (if you don't want to click on the link) is to write 100 words a day. Seems simple enough. I'm going to try it.

In other news, I've discovered that I have non-drinking activities that are really fun and that I really enjoy. The first is throwing a football around with Pookie and one of Pookie's friends. We go to a local park and start tossing the ball around. I feel all athletic and cool and stuff. It seems that I'm actually a decent football thrower.

Afterwards, we usually sit under a tree and chat, or sometimes smoke a joint (in public! What rebels we are!). It's a great summer activity.

The other fun thing that I've started doing is playing Scrabble with an ex-coworker. We're evenly matched (I think she's a little bit better than I am, but I get lucky with the letters). The coolest thing about this is that she saves the scores in the Scrabble box...she has the scores from when her son was born, from when she broke up with her son's mother, a game from the day after September 11, a game from the blackout...I'm a sucker for pack-ratting history, and I like that I'm becoming a part of that unorthodox history book.

The last month or so, it's been really easy to not drink. It has me somewhat suspicious, but mostly relieved. It's nice to not have to think about it all the time, for being dry to not be some collosal struggle constantly. Two days after my birthday ('cause it's my birthday Sunday, have I mentioned that yet?) will be 9 months without alcohol. I'll make a year no sweat.


The Magus

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