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Birthday Boy

2004-06-21 - 3:26 p.m.

It will become quite clear to anyone that knows me that my birthday is coming up.

This is because I have the unique ability, near the end of June, to equate everything with the anniversary of my birth.

When I was a tot, for instance, I knew instinctively that summer vacation was in honour of me.

Likewise for Pride, where there is a big giant parade with colourful balloons and costumes, I know it's all in celebration of me.

My sentences are peppered with friendly reminders. For example:

"Could I have a Big Mac, please? It's my birthday next week."


"I'm sorry, I can't give you any change, because my birthday is coming up."


"Hello, 911? It's my birthday soon and I thought you should know."

Some critics might argue that it's annoying, but what they mean is it's endearing.


The Magus

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