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Fathers Day and Birthday

2004-06-21 - 8:37 a.m.

Yeah, some content would be nice.

Called my dad yesterday for father's day. Of course, he was gone. My dad flies helicopters for the Coast Guard, and every few months they send him up North on a ship for a few weeks, so I guess he left yesterday morning.

Since I don't live with him or anything, I guess he didn't need to tell me he was going, but it would have been nice...even an email to let me know that if he doesn't call me on my birthday next week it's because he's fighting reverse-penguins* under the arctic sun.

Instead I talked with my step-mom and had the longest, and most pleasant-sounding, cnversation I've had with her in years. It lasted 10 minutes, 30 seconds (it seemed a lot longer), and the main subject was how great my dad is. I told her to pass on my "my dad is great" message when she talks with dad next.

Of course, the problem with the "my dad is great" subject is that, while I do think he's a great guy, I'm really quite angry with him right now. It's frustrating, knowing that I can't rely on my dad for a lot of things. I can't count on him in the same way that I can count on other people in my life. I'm not sure if he's trying to set an example or if he thinks I'm too needy or what, but it pisses me off.

I hate being angry at him like this. Even though I have a temper, and even though I do bear grudges, it's not natural for me to stay angry with a loved one for such a long time. It's practically unheard of for me to be continually angry like this over money.

Anyway, aside from that, I'm feeling pretty good. The gym has been really good lately, and I've been using some new suppliments along with the protein powder and vitamins that are really seeming to help. I'm looking good and, better still, I'm feeling good.

My birthday is Sunday, and I'm not sure what I'll be doing. It's feeling like 27 won't be such a big deal, aside from putting me smack dab into my late 20s. Hard to believe that when I was just coming out someone told me that anyone over 23 was over the hill, and it seemed like it would take forever for me to turn 23.

The only other thing of note is that I'm feeling a slight pang, knowing that after today the days start getting shorter again. It's kind of silly to start dreading long nights right now, but I can't help it. Oh well.


The Magus

*They would have to be reverse penguins, because there are no penguins in the arctic. Or, they could be penguin ex-cons who escaped from a zoo.

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