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Dreams and psychics

2004-06-19 - 10:56 a.m.

Last night I dreamed that my mom died an accident of some sort. Tough dream.

Today I called her, and she obviously did not die in an accident because we chatted, and I found out that she's "spying" on my brother using a psychic!

The true story is that she had to interview a psychic or an astrologer for her work (mom writes for a paper), and after the interview Mom commissioned a reading for her and my brother. She didn't include me, because she thinks I'm doing okay, so she's not worried about me.

My mom, somehow, raised me as a bit of a skeptic, but she also raised me as a bit of a believer, so we had a chat about psychics and that sort of thing, always toeing the line of "Oh, well, most of it is really silly, but here's an interesting thing I heard...."

In that frame of mind, I didn't tell her about my dream. I think dreams like that, the really real ones where someone close to you dies, are probably best kept quiet (or in an online journal). I guess I have a bit of superstition about death dreams.


The Magus

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