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Tenacious D Rocks.

I'm waiting

2004-06-19 - 8:55 a.m.

I'm waiting for a national world leader to heroicly condemn the Catholic church for it's attempt at influencing politics by saying that any politician who votes pro-choice cannot consider him or herself a good Catholic.

I'm also waiting for the oil to dry up (and it could even happen in my lifetime - what a trip, to live at the tail end of the Oil Age), because those will certainly be interesting times.

I'm waiting for Iraq to get real independence, and I'm waiting for Asia and Europe and Africa to recover from the damage done to them by history and by the West so that they can sit at the table.

I'm waiting for the table to get bigger so that more people can fit at it.

I'm waiting for my culture to stop using up all the good stuff on this planet.

I'm waiting for a lot of things that might not even happen, that would be dangerous if they did happen, and that don't necessarily lead to happy endings. But I think that these things should happen anyway, regardless of the danger, because some of these things have really good lessons, and most of all I'm waiting for us to learn.


The Magus

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