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I Have Agoraphobia! See my Agoraphobia!

Tenacious D Rocks.


2004-05-26 - 3:58 p.m.

Okay, let us clarify, because even as I was writing that last entry I knew I ought to be a little bit more clear on what goes on in my head. If there's frustration here, it's more because I'm frustrated with myself...there've been a few entries that I've made lately that seemed to project entirely the wrong message from what I'd intended, and I have to admit that most of those times have really been because I was too lazy to elaborate. Lazy = bad.

First of all, getting wasted is fun. I know that I certainly enjoyed myself when I got wasted. If it wasn't fun to get wasted, no one would do it and the liquor industry would have to go into the tobacco business to make any money. There are definitely down-sides to getting drunk, including hangovers, financial concerns, and the possibility that you'll do things you'll regret in the morning...but people risk those downsides all the time.

Okay, screw this "first of all" crap. Blah. No more numbering my paragraphs!

There are lots of ways to have fun, but I also know from experience that sometimes you crave a certain kind of fun. Sometimes you want to ride on a rollercoaster, sometimes you just want to sit on a grassy hill and look at clouds with a good friend, sometimes you want a good meal of your favourite food, and sometimes you want to imbibe a mind-altering chemical to get high.

I don't think there's anything wrong with choosing to drink, and to get wasted, as a fun activity. The reason I don't drink has virtually nothing to do with the alcohol. Alcohol isn't a bad thing.

But...some people get sick on roller coasters, some people suffer from grass allergies, some people eat too much or eat too little or eat too much and then throw up, and some people drink too much, too often, in ways that cause problems in the rest of their lives.

The problem isn't with the activity, it's with the person who isn't able - for whatever reason - to moderate or tolerate the activity.

At a wedding, I'd venture to say that it is not out of the realm of possibility that some people consider getting wasted to be an integral part of the event. It's a celebration, and I think that excess is a part of celebration...that's why we have food and drink at parties...not to be gluttonous, but to enjoy the wealth around us with our friends and loved ones.

I hope that clears things up. In short:

Yes, I think that getting wasted = fun.

No, I do not think that fun always = getting wasted.

And if the married-couple-to-be decide they don't want to drink, that's their choice, too. I just don't want my issues with alcohol to be a factor in this case.


The Magus

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