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Tenacious D Rocks.

Half-baked entry about the wedding reception

2004-05-26 - 12:25 p.m.

Next time, I will read an entry before I submit it...there was a sentence at the very end of the last entry (now excised) that said something like "I hope I'm the only one not drinking at the wedding". It was there, because I'd written it, decided that I wanted to address it later in the entry, and then I forgot about it. I think I was going to say that I'd be able to keep my head and maybe some of the high school friends wouldn't seem so intimidating to me if they're getting silly. Plus, the kids who didn't drink back when we were all university students are putzes. The last thing I want is to be stuck talking with putzes because they're the only sober ones around.

And stressing about all this is silly, because a couple of my current friends will be at the wedding, too, so I'll just hang out with them. I don't care if they drink or not.

I am hoping the bride and groom get wasted, though, 'cause it's supposed to be their day, and I want them to have fun.


The Magus

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