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I Have Agoraphobia! See my Agoraphobia!

Tenacious D Rocks.


2004-05-17 - 8:38 a.m.

I really want to share E.M. Forster's essay "Post-Munich", which he wrote in 1939, but I'm wary of posting the entire thing, and I couldn't find it (even with my fingers crossed!) on the web. If you can get your hands on Two Cheers for Democracy, do it.

I'm at work, and forgot to bring the book with me, so I won't even be able to quote nifty parts from it...but that essay, of the few I've read so far, seems to speak to the times now, just as I imagine they may have in those days before official war in 1939. Strange times.

I now have a home page, which I hesitate to link to from here, mainly because it will eventually have all of my "real" information, including my super-secret real name. If anyone wants to take a gander at my lame attempt at mastering HTML, shoot me an email or leave me a guestbook signing with your email address and I'll send you the link. It's seriously nothing special yet, but one day it will be fantastic.

I wrote on the weekend...went to a small cafe, where the writers meeting was supposed to be last week, and scribbled on my notepad while munching on a waffle and guzzling coffee. There's something wholesome about putting pen to paper, even if nothing lasting comes of it. I think I may have found a weekly routine, doing the stereotypical writer thing.

I haven't much else to say, except that if it's possible to O.D. on E.M. Forster fiction and non-fiction, that seems to be the plan this week.


The Magus

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