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I Have Agoraphobia! See my Agoraphobia!

Tenacious D Rocks.

Expense Calendar

2004-05-15 - 11:07 p.m.

Spent way too much money (for me, anyway) today, buying clothes for the wedding I'm going to in June. It's depressing, and I feel like I'm never going to climb out of this hole. It's not a very deep one, comparatively speaking, but all it takes for me to stay behind is one large purchase per month, and that's what I've been getting.

January was the deposit on the apartment.

February was getting the internet hooked up and getting a television.

March was getting the cats and furniture.

April...what did I spent all that money on in April? Oh...right, I was sick and foolishly ate a third of my meals from take-out.

May is preparing for the wedding.

June is my trip home...

Will I be able to start paying off debts in July? I can only hope.

I'm really tired right now, and about to go to bed. I put up my homepage today with the space that the ISP is giving me. I should choose a subject for a paragraph and stick with it.

Just about everyone around me is having some issues right least three people I know are having the worst year of their lives. I'm feeling fine, but I wish everyone could be happy and stable at the same time so that we could all just enjoy each othners' company. Sigh.


The Magus

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