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I Have Agoraphobia! See my Agoraphobia!

Tenacious D Rocks.

Colds, a trip, and a blushing bride-to-be

2004-05-18 - 8:26 a.m.

This is where we see if my force of will is enough to destroy whatever vile bacteria or virus it is that's trying to lay me low.

I went to the gym, had a good work out, and here I am at work, feeling okay but with the scratchiness in my eyes and throat. What is it with me this year? I've been eating right, I've quit drinking, I've been getting in great shape, and yet so far this year I've had three colds.


On the bright side, I'm excited about going home in June. Even though every time I visit my family I have some sort of an emotional breakdown, I'm still excited about it. This year, I vow not to start sobbing in front of my friends.

The houseguest from lo, so many years ago (actually, just over one year ago) and I have booked a hotel room for the weekend of the wedding, which falls right in the middle of my trip, and that should help...having my own space, without familial obligations, should help me stay relatively stable during the trip.

I'm also excited about my first "grown-up" wedding...I really ought to call the bride-to-be (unless she wants to call me...a guestbook signing would be okay, just so I know if she's still at the phone number I have, which I've actually lost, so if the bride-to-be could email me with her phone number, I'll call her and then thank her when I win the prize for worst friend ever...).

I also emailed an old, old best friend yesterday. I'm nervous about that, because we drifted apart for no good reason, and the few times we ran into each other since then have been weird.

And yay for incoherent ramblings! I also seem to have lost my ability to spell, especially certain words like "apparently" (which I assume is right, because there's supposed to be "a parent" in there, right?) and any word with double consonants (argh! Another word!). This does not bode well for my future career as an editor.


The Magus

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