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I Have Agoraphobia! See my Agoraphobia!

Tenacious D Rocks.

Dusty Bookstore = imprudent purchases

2004-05-15 - 9:23 a.m.

I found the coolest bookstore yesterday. It reminds me of my favourite bookstore in Halifax (which I just realized I'll get to visit next month. Yay!): lots of old, second-hand books, the dusty smell of it in the air, floor to ceiling bookshelves (and this store has a ladder that slides along the walls! I had to use it to reach some books! I'm afraid of heights, but it was fun!), and an older, bookish-looking lady at the counter. Heaven!

I bought two books, both by E.M. Forster. One is a collection of short stories, many of which were published post-humously because of their homosexual content. The other, "Two Cheers for Democracy" is a collection of essays written in the middle of the 20th century. I'd heard about this book, and I'm excited to read it. I read the first entry and realized that I might actually have a crush on Mr. Forster, which would be my first ever author crush (though, avccording to one book jacket, Nathaniel Hawthorne was quite a looker...)


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