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Dreams and hairy legs

2004-05-14 - 5:59 a.m.

Last night I dreamed about words, which finally put to rest the myth, first explained to me in a "Batman" cartoon, that you can't read in a dream. My dream was about reading, specifically about reading a list of words and phrases and having to match them to other words in phrases.

It was in English, but I feel like I just did pages of french homework in my sleep.

Two days ago, I had a dream that was like a clip from an episode of M*A*S*H. I don't think I was in it, but one of my friends was. It was a bunch of MASH nurses talking in a tent about a new razor or something, and then my friend (a girl, the one who was fired) called out from behind a shower curtain and said "I'm ready!"

All the nurses cooed excitedly and gathered to look, and my friend pulled back the curtain to reveal a spectacularly hairy leg with one razor stroke of bare flesh on her shin. It had the complete feeling of a "gag" moment in the sitcom, but for some reason I, the non-existant observer, felt it was a bit of a let-down. I mean, sure her leg was really hairy, but that wasn't very funny to me. Lots of people have hairy legs.

I kind of like having weird dreams, even if they make no real sense. It is kind of disturbing that, in at least one dream this week (that I can't really remember) I was stressed about the grammar of emoticons.


The Magus

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