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I Have Agoraphobia! See my Agoraphobia!

Tenacious D Rocks.

En Francais, S'il Vous Plais.

2004-05-04 - 4:47 p.m.

So. French. Wee.

Just had my first work-sponsored french lesson, and it went alright. A lot of what I've learned is still there, and I have to admit that it will be nice learning the language again. The weird thing was that I was taking notes, and I found myself suddenly feeling nostalgic at seeing my handwriting in french, with all those cute little accents and "er","ir", and "re" suffixes.

Of course, me and the other person learning french (because we both scored highest in the french assessment we're the only ones taking lessons right now) told the teacher that sure we can conjugate in the present! Let's just dive right in to passe compose (am I going to have to learn the html for accents now? Damn. Anyone know them off-hand?)! Screw the consequences!

And sure enough, I don't think either of us can conjugate our way out of a paper bag (un sac papier?).

In other news, the supervisor didn;t want to fire me for being sick, so the meeting we had was relatively docile and inoffensive. Huzzah!

Now, for some reason, I'm feeling exhaustedly tired, and so I think I'll be going to bed super early...


The Magus

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