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I Have Agoraphobia! See my Agoraphobia!

Tenacious D Rocks.

How is this entry like a string of cooked spaghetti?

2004-05-05 - 8:34 a.m.

In some ways, it's like I'm waking up again. Welcome spring! And just in time, too...

It's interesting how the same year a documentary is released that compares corporations to psychopaths that we also find out about the atrocious ways that Iraqi prisoners are being treated. The connection (courtesy of CBC Newsworld) is that the US hired civilian mercenaries to do a part of the interrogations, and these mercenaries are actually employees of multinational corporations. There are corporations (and, if one documentary is to be believed, this means "psychopaths") with branches designed to hold and interrogate prisoners for profit.

Also, according to Michael Moore's mailing list, Disney is blocking the distribution of his latest film, because the film will criticize Bush, and Disney is afraid that this will put their tax breaks in jeopardy.

I've been slowly ploughing through No Logo (it's an easy read, but it's my "bathroom book" right now, so I only read about 4 or 5 pages at a time), and I'm currently mostly through the chapter on corporate censorship (speaking of which, I have a really very controversial entry I want to write about censorship...coming soon, I swear). No Logo talks about how the meaning of censorship has changed drastically and that we're using outdated ideas about democracy and freedom of speech that aren't working to protect our freedoms anymore.

There are a whole bunch of issues just swirling around, and I'm finding myself glad that this winter wasn't just a growing sense of apathy, but my typical winter-doldrum-y mood change...I just have to remember this next fall, when I start to feel burned out on social issues.

This is kind of a scattered entry, just kind of throwing random thoughts at the screen to see what sticks.


The Magus

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