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Blessed Weekend

2004-05-03 - 9:37 a.m.

It was a great weekend for me, thinking back on it.

The Corporation (which I've just discovered will be aired on TV here on May 9th, so I'll be able to see it once more for free!) was really good. Then, Pookie came over, and we watched a part of "Left Behind", which was airing on the science fiction network (odd). It was Kirk Cameron's remake, and we managed about an hour of it before we had to change. Pookie was upset from the beginning, what with his being a half-decent theology student. I wasn't upset, because I kept waiting for the movie's thesis statement. I wanted to know what the "moral" was. I have an idea, because I've heard about the "Left Behind" series, but I wanted to take this chance to watch it, to get an idea of the main points, in case I should ever want to actually talk about the series. Alas, we changed the channel before the movie ever really got going. If I had to name one culprit for the change, it would be bad acting, and the fact that Kirk, who produced the damn movie, gave himself a character named "Buck."

Then, yesterday, I had a chance to watch some of the Dalai Lama's round-table discussion on CBC's news channel. It was fascinating to see those people, who were movers and shakers from a variety of faiths and backgrounds. At one point, at the end, they were shaking hands with each other, and in a way it was like watching saints...but then...

I can't remember the specific action that gave me this feeling, but it was as if I knew that anyone could have been up there, as a part of that group, and none of them would have blinked an eye. To the Dalai Lama, it seemed, everyone was equal, everyone had that potential for greatness, that in his eyes we were all wonderful gifts to creation. It was as if, by seeing how beautiful those people were, I was also seeing how beautiful everyone is...they are special only because all of us are special.

If only we could give everyone the respect and love that we give to our spiritual leaders, the world would be a better place.


The Magus

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