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I Have Agoraphobia! See my Agoraphobia!

Tenacious D Rocks.

If I were cool...

2004-04-09 - 11:17 a.m.

I need to learn how to be cooler.

Not for any particular reason, mind you...just that being super-cool (are people still using "uber" these days? Can that please be phased back out of our language? Or is it something cool people use?) might be useful in some situations.

An example:

"Hey! Give me back my ice cream cone!"

"No! You're a five year old kid who annoys me and now I'm going to laugh at you and -huh?"

"Give that kid back his ice cream cone, you Villian!"

"Oh no! It's some guy with a cape and a heroic stance, and he's!"

"No one can handle my super/uber coolness!"

"Thanks, you cool stranger. And now, I, the five year old kid, can continue eating my ice cream. You're great!"


Of course, that hasn't happened (unless I have a really cool multiple personality disorder), but if I ever became really cool, it could happen.


The Magus

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