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I Have Agoraphobia! See my Agoraphobia!

Tenacious D Rocks.

Idle hands are the devil's what?

2004-04-09 - 8:50 a.m.

Third entry in less than an hour!!

That's because it's a holiday, and so the office is deserted, and I somehow managed to avoid getting extra work. So, I will be unsupervised, in a quiet office, with a small work load...and I've already looked at most of my regular, you guys may end up with an abnormally high number of entries from me this morning, and maybe through the entire work day.

It's going to be a good day (splattered cat awaiting me at home aside...).

I'm going over to Pookie's after work for a Good Friday dinner, and that will be nice. It's nice to get out of the house sometimes.

I also have my midterm for the editing class on Tuesday, so I'm going to be editing all day in my excercise books. I think I may take a semester off...I have a wedding to go to in early June, and that leaves 3 paycheques before my trip home. Work only pays for one class a year (which I used for this last one)...we'll see what I get paid next week before I make a firm decision.

And I guess I have nothing to say, really, except that I'm going to be feeling "bored" in the best sense of the word: I have all this free time and can do almost anything!! It's time to be a little crazy! Yay!


The Magus

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