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Beautiful Things

2004-04-09 - 2:32 p.m.

It occurs to me that I would have to be really, really cool to pull off wearing a cape.

Anywho, here is a list of things that I love:

1)Spring. Mainly because it leads to summer, and summer is my favourite season. Right now, we're reaching the part of the day where the sunshine falls into the office, making the computer screens look dark and less interesting than the Church Street activity down below. Colours are bright and vivid, and the wind, when it blows through the window, is cool and clean. As soon as the sun goes down, it will be too cold for t-shirts, but until then I plan to leave my jacket off.

2)The smell of fur. There are few things I love more than the smell of cat or dog fur. With my cats, I love to just shove my nose into their sides and inhale. My old dog, Sugar, used to sleep with me, and I'd fall asleep with her smell in my nostrils. It's a comforting, warm smell that reminds me of...the forest? Or a barn? A forest trapped in a barn? Something natural and wholesome.

3) The weekend. It took my working during the days on a Monday to Friday schedule for me to really appreciate this, but there's a frisson in the air before the weekend, when you can feel anticipation in the air. It's like a mini-Christmas Eve: In 90 short minutes I will have over two whole days to do exactly and whatever I want. Will I go out? Will I have fun? What will happen? It's great.

There are a lot more things I love, but those are the ones that apply to me most directly at this moment.


The Magus

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