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I Have Agoraphobia! See my Agoraphobia!

Tenacious D Rocks.


2004-04-09 - 8:32 a.m.

Okay, sex.

Well, I think I'd mentioned before that, especially since the breakuyp, I haven't wanted it much.

That's changing, sort of. I want sex, sometimes, but what I don't want right now is the other person.

What I want is a magic sex partner who will appear at my whim, has an attractive, but unidentifiable body, and says only the right things at the right moment. We'll have sex and the body will disappear into the ether, never to be seen again unless I'm horny.

It's the whole social aspect of sex that I dislike. I never liked it much before, anyway, mainly because of my aversion to society in general, but now I really don't want to get into it.

I suppose I could go the whole casual sex route. I live across the street from a bathhouse, for example (which I probably will check out once they're done renovating, just so I can say I did it...also because a couple of years ago I started a gay murder mystery novel that took place largely in a bathhouse, and I'd like to continue that story eventually...but I might as well do research, right?). But even that route involves some level of communication with another person...and it also has its own risks, like STDs and creepy people (if I remember my days of meeting random guys off the internet and local IRC room back in Halifax, pre-Pookie).

I, eventually, will want some sort of contact with my sex. Ideally, I think sex is best with the right person, someone you have a connection with, a long-term partner. But right now, the thought just makes me turn away from the idea of sex all-together.

And this completes the "Too Much Information" quotient of this month's The Magus.


The Magus

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