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I Have Agoraphobia! See my Agoraphobia!

Tenacious D Rocks.

Adventures in Cat Ownership

2004-04-09 - 8:23 a.m.

So, the cats were awake all last night. I recently installed an air conditioner (expect an entry about my feelings of guilt and efforts to try to minimize my impact on the environment in about four weeks or so...unless things get really warm), but there's a significant space between the a/c and the top of the window that's big enough for two young cats to slip through, fall off the a/c unit, and die from the 1/2 storey fall (okay, they probably won't die, and the images in my brain of them holding on for dear life, meowing desperately, their eyes wide with confusion and fear before their very last claws slip off the a/c and they fall, plummeting towards their doom for an ungodly length of time and finally splatting on the ground in an explosion of cat gut, only to be discovered by me 5 hours later when I come home for lunch are probably a sign of over reacting. Cats don't typically explode after falling 10 feet, do they?). I'd smooshed a pillow in there to try to prevent them from exploring the outside world, but the problem with a pillow is that it's comfy, so they like to sit on it, until it slides out of the opening and falls (into the apartment). Other than the constant replacing of the pillow, I thought I had it pretty much covered.

Of course, this morning I'm getting ready for work, and I see Ginger, on the outside of the window, standing on the air conditioner. I almost had a heart attack. I managed to get the little guy inside, and I think I've solved that problem through some creative hole-stuffing (shut up), but I'm probably going to spend the rest of the day with images of splattered cat guts in my brain. Oh well.

I was planning on writing an entry on sex, and my evolving lack of desire for sex, but I think the cats took this entry over. I ought to end it now and start again on a new entry.


The Magus

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