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The Entry Where I Talk About Movies I'll Probably Never See

2004-03-19 - 9:21 a.m.

So, rather than write an entry about doublespeak, I decided that for my March dvd purchase I'd just go and get 1984 (I also got Evita, which I watched last night, but that has nothing to do with doublespeak...except that I think I like that movie because they figured out just how smart a movie has to be for me to ignore all of the corrupt subtext and not-terribly-inspiring social commentary).

Today, I have plans to go see Dawn of the Dead. It plays at 4:10pm, and I get off work at 4pm. I'm going to run all the way to the movie theatre. For some reason, I've been abnormally excited about this film. I've been counting the days until it opens. Today, I'll be counting down the hours. I really hope it's good.

I want to see The Corporation, so I may try to get into a matinee later this weekend, but I'm getting pretty darn close to not having any money so we'll have to see how that works out.

Another movie I want to see, even though it has Jim Carey in it, is Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind. I've enjoyed Carey in some of the more serious roles he's taken, and from what I hear, his performance in this movie is somewhat subdued, so I think I'll be able to handle him. Also, I really enjoyed Being John Malkovich (by the same writer, I think? Or director?) when I saw it, and the concept of erasing memories plays into a bunch of tangled fear/fascination issues I have.

Of course, since I end up seeing about one movie every four months, I don't think there's any hope for me to see all of these before they're out of the theatres, but it's nice to have dreams.


The Magus

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