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I Have Agoraphobia! See my Agoraphobia!

Tenacious D Rocks.

Editing schedule

2004-03-18 - 2:33 p.m.

I have something to say about "double-speak" and the wonderful training video (part one of a series of five) that we had to watch yesterday. I apparently have a lot to learn about customer service. It's amazing the amount of advances that customer service has made in the years that there have been customer service reps.

However, that double-speak entry will have to wait until I've stewed a little bit more. I want to be in a frenzy of rage at hypocrisy when I write that entry, and right now I'm just in a mellow state of angry disbelief...which, come to think of it, is the state I'm in pretty much all the time at work. Huh.

Anyway, this entry is to let people know that I've set a schedule for myself to make sure that I keep editing. I'm sure that everyone wants to know exactly what my days are like, so here's another salacious tidbit of Magus-related minutiae to salivate over.

Basically, I'm going to spend the first hour after work at my desk doing some form of editing work. I finaly bought the excercise book that I was supposed to have bought two months ago, so, starting yesterday, I've been doing a couple of excercises from that, and then doing some "real" editing work...namely some projects I promised to do for people and working on the one-day-to-be-announced website.

Also, at class this week, I had another forehead-slapping moment when one of the students, who is also eyeing the freelance gig, showed everyone his (poorly edited...hee...) brochure. And I realized that Hey! A brochure is a great idea! I can't believe I didn't think of that! This fall (by which time I hope to have a formal home business...meaning all the legal paperwork is taken care of) I will paper the city's various university and college campuses with editing pamphlets! God, it's just so simple.

I'm feeling good about the editing thing right now. I've been doing solid work, and while I have a LOT to learn, I think I may actually be able to be my own boss one day. And isn't that an empowering thought.


The Magus

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