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I Have Agoraphobia! See my Agoraphobia!

Tenacious D Rocks.

More whining

2004-03-14 - 7:11 p.m.

That last entry can just be summed up with "I hate my head, sometimes (and an unrelated thank you)."

I also wanted to drink something fierce today. The party I skipped last night would have been kick-ass fun, and even more kick-ass fun if I'd been drinking. And all of those new people would have no idea that I shouldn't touch alcohol! It would have been responsibility- and consequence-free drinking! I probably could have alienated every single one of 'em and not have to worry. And isn't five and a half months enough to prove my point?

This entry can be subtitled "I hate my head sometimes, part 2."

I'll feel better tomorrow.


The Magus

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