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I Have Agoraphobia! See my Agoraphobia!

Tenacious D Rocks.

Avoidant Personality

2004-03-13 - 2:31 p.m.'s the good old agorophobic Magus that he know and love.

This week has been too many people, too many strangers, and I'm feeling all overwhelmed. I called in sick for work yesterday - I think I was making myself feel worse than I really was - and I'm not planning to leave the house today. Which means I won't be going to the party hosted by the crush, but he tells me there won't be anyone I know there, and I'll see him tomorrow for the roleplaying.

The cats are great (Fred is currently climbing all over me and the laptop, s any typos are his fault). They are still pretty much kittens, which means they NEVER SLEEP!!! And require about 96% of my attention to make sure they don't chew electrical cords apart. I'm wondering when they're destructiveness and keep-me-awakedness will stop seeming so cute, though...


The Magus

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