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Random Magey Goodness

I Have Agoraphobia! See my Agoraphobia!

Tenacious D Rocks.

Happy New-Cats-And-Furniture-Day!

2004-03-11 - 8:17 p.m.

It feels like my birthday. I now have, in my possession, a real, live bed. I'm not sleeping on the couch anymore! I don't feel like somebody's drifter uncle!

I am also writing this on my laptop, which is sitting on my brand new desk, with drawers I can use for pens, and a shelf for paper.

I also have some microwave stand thing that isn't as great as the bed and desk, but is still pretty cool.

I got all of those things for a total of $140.00

And, the very bestest thing of all, I got the kitties, and they were free, and they are fucking amazing cats!

Right now, they're sleeping together on a computer chair. They're totally devoted to each other. I think I may have found my calling. And now, I have an excuse to talk to myself.

For a day that started with my being so miserable (I felt pretty awful this morning...and think I've come down with something), it's ending greatly.

And if my mood could swing any more, it could get a job as a trapeze artist.


The Magus

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