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I Have Agoraphobia! See my Agoraphobia!

Tenacious D Rocks.

Successful Review

2004-02-25 - 8:34 a.m.

I had a review yesterday, and the bosses had nary a negative thing to say, which is good, except that no matter how impressed they are with my performance, I'll know that I can't ever trust them enough to be honest with them (the biggest dodge - they wanted to know if my one evening class a week that is the only other thing I do, is my life saver and is crucial to my emotional, intellectual, and spiritual well-being was distracting me from work).

But, amidst all of that "saying what they want to hear" crap, I did realize that I'm in a really good place, right now. I have everything I need, and I think that the day shift is going to work well. I'm ready to start looking at my resources and to start building a future for myself.

Finally, you know what I said about deadlifts? I take it all back: certain muscles are not allowed to be sore. Ow.


The Magus

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