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Tenacious D Rocks.

Crispy nipple

2004-02-24 - 8:43 a.m.

Through a miracle of modern bumbling, I burned my left nipple this morning.

Basically, I wasn't wearing a shirt, and I was lifting a pan off of the stove. The pan wasn't supposed to be hot, but it was sitting next to the burner that was boiling my water for tea, so when it briefly touched flesh (tender, sensitive flesh - and I mean this in a "Ow!" sort of way, not a "I have tender, sensitive nipples. Make love to me NOW!" kind of way), it burned.

Honestly? If I'm ever going to become a superhero, it better happen soon if I want any chance at all of being a cool superhero.

In non-nipple-related news, having a rug makes a HUGE difference in my apartment. It really does feel like a place where somebody lives. It makes me happy to see that splash of colour when I walk in the door.

And lastly, I would like to go on record as saying that deadlifts are the best exercise ever. Deadlifts rock. Deadlifts kick my ass, in a good way.

And, perhaps most importantly, I have never, ever, lost a nipple due to deadlift-related scalding.


The Magus

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