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Tenacious D Rocks.

Working Days, Tenacious D, and How To Be Fired And Love It

2004-02-19 - 8:42 a.m.

Yesterday went surprisingly well. I woke up on time, had a good workout, and then had a really fast day at work. Maybe this change will be a good thing.

Of course, I "celebrated" the good day by staying up too late, and so now I'm kinda tired and the day's barely even begun. Tonight, I will go to bed on time.

In addition to discovering the joys of working during the day, I've also discovered the joys of Tenacious D, which has to be the absolute most frenziedly wonderful band to ever exist. For my February DVD, I bought the Tenacious D Complete Masterworks Collection, which is several hours of great fun. The HBO special fills me with utter delight. I'm not sure if their sense of humour would appeal to everyone, but if you like Jack Black, I think you'll probably like this. If you smoke pot, you definitely will.

On the weekend, I also managed to hang out with one of the dearly departed co-workers, and she told me the story of her getting canned, and it was actually quite uplifting. I guess that she'd received a bunch of clues that she was going to be fired the night before, and so when she showed up early for her firing (catching the boss off-guard at the time) she had already gotten all of the crying and emotional chaos out of the way, and was able to face the firing steadily. If I'm ever unfairly fired, I want to go the way she described her firing to me. I want to be able to look at my boss in the eye and be able to speak with a steady voice, to make sure that I know my rights, and to escape with my dignity attached.

I guess that's all I have to say.


The Magus

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