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I Have Agoraphobia! See my Agoraphobia!

Tenacious D Rocks.

Busy, I guess

2004-02-15 - 3:37 a.m.

And so arrives the end of an era, I guess. I am currently working my last midnight shift while simultaneously training the "New Guy" who, if he's lucky, will experience some of the great things about the midnight shift. He seems to be a bit of a workaholic, and I distrust workaholics, but I'm sure we'll get passed that.

In the meantime, I'm going mad because I hate dealing with strangers, and I'm having one hell of a time trying to be my "authentic self" while explaining the finer points of ringing through credit card sales and approving sex ads.

I'm feeling really over-booked right now, and it's entirely because I told Pookie I would do some things that I really don't want to do, namely cat-sitting (which won't be so bad) and sitting at a silent-auction table at some conference he's running to make sure no one steals anything (which I really, really don't want to do). Thing is, Pookie was ultimately helpful with getting his brother to help me move, and with helping me settle into the new place, and I really like the fact that we can be exes who do nice things for each other.

However, I am quite overbooked, for me. After work, the internet guy is supposed to show between 8am and 11am. After he comes, I'm going to want to fiddle around with my new stuff and get my ISP email service set up, fool around with any internet explorer settings, etc. Then, I'll need a nap, and then I'm off to Pookie's house to cat-sit the Anti-Lit Demon Cat.

I'm not really looking forward to the visit, mainly because it will be the first time that I'll be sleeping in that apartment as a "guest", and those sort of transitions - where something familiar suddenly becomes unfamiliar - are usually pretty tough on me.

Then, Monday, I have to do the watching-the-silent-auction-table thing for 4-6 hours, and then, after that, I'm supposed to be hanging out with my friend who got fired from here a few weeks back. Then, I have to go back to Pookie's house to continue cat sitting.

Tuesday I have class.

And Wednesday, I have to wake up at 5am so that I can get to the gym before my first day shift starts...

I'm feeling like I'm not going to be having any sort of a weekend, and I need my weekend.

I know that my "busy" schedule is like some peoples' days off, but I'm not used to this activity! I've lived in darkness for two-and-a-half years! Pity me!

(The New Guy just told a customer that the customer's name is wrong. Sigh.)


The Magus

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