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I Have Agoraphobia! See my Agoraphobia!

Tenacious D Rocks.

Perfunctory Entry #15

2004-02-13 - 3:42 a.m.

The other day I had a moment that lasted about two minutes where I was honestly content with my situation. I think that's progress.

I like how those moments can just come upon me, like sunshine breaking. Knowing that there's always a chance of having one of those suddenly happy moments helps to make life worth living.

Of course, I'm back to disliking my apartment, mainly because I have no furniture. My project this weekend is to pick up a rug, a hammer (to hang things on the wall), a plant, and maybe some curtain-hanging-equipment.

And because my domestic situation really, really bores me, it's time for a magical subject change.

Lately, people have been telling me that I look like Jesus, which I guess is nice in a vaguely blasphemous sort of way. I'm not really sure how to address a comment that pretty much says "Hey! You look like the son of God!" Just saying "Thank you" seems somehow inadequate.

Argh! I'm disgruntled at the moment, because I was all excited about writing an entry and now I don't know what else to write. This happens all the time, lately. I need to get internet at home, stat.


The Magus

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