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Someone Else's Questions

2004-02-12 - 8:21 a.m.

One last thing. It seems that I'm being forced to answer a survey by nividian. I actually owe him an email (I owe everyone an email.), so hopefully this will buy me another day or so of procrastination.

1. What would be the best gift someone could give you? The worst?

I'm weird about gifts. My mom, who still co-ordinates Christmas in my family for Santa Claus, always made sure that my brother and I got a lot of gifts, even when she didn't have much money. What this meant was that we would get a ton of "dollar store"-type products along with the one "big gift" each. I think this is the reason why I have no way to gauge how a gift will affect me: one of my favourite gifts from last year was a 67 cent backscratcher that Pookie had picked up on a whim, and I still have it today. I think the biggest factor as to whether or not I like a gift is the thought behind it - I'll always appreciate a gift that appears to come from love or generosity or friendship...which sounds really, stupidly corny, but it's true. That said, you can never go wrong with books, or gift certificates for books. The worst gift...meh. I don't think there is such a beast, unless it's a "gift-with-strings-attached." That sort of gift I'm not too fond of.

2. If you had to pick one word that best represented you, what would it be?

I hate "pick a word" questions. In what context does this word describe me? Is it supposed to describe me as I am now, or through the arc of my life? Should I focus on the more public traits of my personality, or the private? Do I follow a colour scheme?

I'm going to cheat, and use 2 words, because they seem to be the two words I use to describe myself a lot. I am an "odd duck."

3. What things would be involved in your ideal vacation? Any particular place? Relaxation, adventure, alone, with others, etc?

Alone, definitely, or at worst with a small group of people that I care about. Someplace quiet, close to nature, woodsy and watery. A year spent in a cabin in the woods near a lake and a stream, with an endless supply of books would be very close to ideal. Though lately I've been fantasising about a vacation someplace warm and sunny and beach-filled.

4. What are your 4 favorite meals, in order of preference. Drinks?

Vegetarian Chili


I think I only have two favourite meals. I'll eat almost anything, really.

As for drinks...when I was a boozehound, I'd go for whisky. Now, I drink mostly water and the occassional protein shake. I also like apple juice.

5. If you had to be without one of your five senses for the rest of your life, which would you choose?

Taste, for entirely practical reasons (less necessary for survival - I can deal without taste, I think). I've actually been involved in discussions about which I';d give up, either sight or hearing, and while my instinct is to say hearing (because I would need to be able to read to survive, I think), it's said that hearing is actually more difficult to live without. It really makes you think.

6. If you could only have a best friend, a lover, or a family member, which would you choose?

Does this count relationships already in existence? ie, am I turning away from my brother if I say I want a lover?

If it's entirely hypothetical, I would say a best friend, mainly because a best friend can be all of those roles at varying times... Ideally, your lover would be your best friend and your family (I don't think I want my family to become like lovers, though...)

7. What is your favorite thing to do to pass time?


8. Your ideal home: built or bought?

Oh, built. By me, with my dad and brother helping. This is a wish I haven't actually ever voiced out loud, though I've had it for a while. I wonder why my ideal house dream also includes a male-bonding dream wrapped up in it...

9. When you meet Mr. Right, and you're married, if you had the opportunity to fool around with the object of your lusty thoughts and not be caught, would you?

Probably not. The getting caught part isn't the issue, though...I think it's all part of how I view trust in a relationship. I'm all for relationships that work differently, though.

10. What would you want your spouse to do in the same situation? How would you react to either choice they made?

I would want my spouse to be honest with me. If it's a mistake, I'd feel hurt but move on and do what I can to shore up the relationship. If it's less of a mistake, I'd feel hurt and wallow in misery until someone better came along. I've only ever had to deal with the former situation, thankfully.

11. Your partner is throwing a party for you and can have anybody you want be there. Who would be on the guest list?

Not too many people...close friends. And if it's really -anybody-, then my Close Friends of All Time, including the people I've lost touch with over the years.

12. Most important room in the house?

A lot of people will say the kitchen or the bathroom, and I will agree that those are important rooms. If you're asking for my favourite room, I'd say anywhere with lots of books and a big comfy chair (preferably one that's big enough for me to sit in all weird-like - sideways, upsidedown, etc) with a lamp that's perfectly positioned for reading.

13. When you meet Mr. Right do you think you'll know it instantly, or will it be something you discover over time?

I think it's over time. There can be a connection with someone, but I think my "Mr. Right(s)" will be relationships that build and evolve, and how they end up will be something I couldn't predict.

14. What one thing are you more afraid of than anything else?

Hey, I just told someone about this! I'm afraid of suffering some sort of trauma to the head that leaves me unable to function in society but still fully aware of myself and my diminished abilities. Alzheimers, strokes, insanity all kind of fall under this one. My granddad lost his ability to form new memories, and spent the last two years of his life living in a 30-second window. He was a really nice, really smart guy, and you could tell when he realised what was wrong how frustrated he was.

15. What is your most secret sexual fantasy?

If I told you, it wouldn't be a secret. Plus, my brain has been completely non-sexually oriented the last few months.

16. Where in the world would be your ideal place to live, in general or specific?

See what I said about a cabin. But places I want to visit and maybe one day live include: South Africa, Australia, and the more liberal European countries.

17. Are you pro-surprises or anti?

I'm pro-good surprises, and anti-bad. I tend to be resistent to change, though, especially where work is concerned.

18. What do you think is the best way to resolve an argument?

I'm so bad at ending arguments and so good at starting them...I don't have any idea. I usually end up muttering something wickedly cruel in an attempt to get the last word. I have a hard time keeping arguments civil.

19. What are 5 sure-fire signs that you're not happy with whatever is going on around you?

Psychologically? I retreat into myself. I start procrastinating. My anxiety level creeps up, even for mundane things. I stop answering the phone and returning emails. I can, maybe, break down sobbing.

20. What things totally turn you off in a friendship? Relationship?

It depends on the situation.

21. What things totally turn you on in a friendship? Relationship?

A sense of humour, preferably a weird one. Expressive faces. Enthusiasm and compassion are giant turn-ons.

22. What do you really think about the guy who wrote this questionnaire for you?

What do I really think? As opposed to all the lies I've been spouting? I don't think it's a part of my style to talk indepth about how I feel about other diarylanders in my own diary...even doing this questionnaire thing is on the borderline for my usual fare, I think. If you (or anyone) really wants to know what I think about you (or them), I can let you (or anyone) know through email.

Okay, my co-worker is now 80 minutes late for his shift, and so I am signing off so that I can glare at the door to better anticipate his entrance.


The Magus

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