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I Have Agoraphobia! See my Agoraphobia!

Tenacious D Rocks.

Weekend Blurb

2004-02-12 - 8:06 a.m.

To celebrate my last week as a midnight person, I am going to not go to the gym and instead am going to spend as much time as possible stoned (but not at work, sillies). I always seem to come up with great ideas for diaryland entries, movie scripts, and novels while smoking pot, but I never bother to write any of them down...which is a good thing, because me + intoxication (of any sort) = really bad ideas. However, I think I will keep a notepad handy for the next few days, as an experiment. Then, if anything interesting crops up, I will post them here so we can all giggle together.


The Magus

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