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I Have Agoraphobia! See my Agoraphobia!

Tenacious D Rocks.

The Cost of Employment

2004-01-16 - 4:00 a.m.

Wow. Okay, so, today I am minus two co-workers, one of them is one of my closest friends here. It was almost two years ago that our department-y area lost so many people, and I'm not 100% confident that the hemorhaging has stopped.

My plan, such as it is, is to pretend that it's business as usual, at least until I can get some more information. I sort of suspect that the reasons for the dismissals/quitting (not sure which it was) were not totally legit, but I'm going to hold off on any histrionics. This is the Year of the Magus, in which I will take very large steps toward having a career and leaving this place in the dust, but to do that I must stay the course. Or whatever.

I feel vaguely dirty in doing so, though. I've been reading a little bit about how people are more likely to do horrible, immoral things so long as they're under the watch of some authority figure, and it's occured to me that, in some small ways, I'm almost in that position. Sure, my workplace isn't out gassing people in the storeroom, but I feel somewhat complicit in (unjust?) firings just by doing my job.

I want some more information before I make any decisions about whether or not I take any action, and before deciding what action that should be. I don't want to feel like I'm sacrificing my morals for a paycheque. I already lie my face off to my supervisors half the time (I am positively chipper in my work emails. "Isn't it great that we're being so productive? I think it's great! Yay us! Hugs for everyone!!!"), and there's the risk of selling out one step at a time.

I also think, incidently, that this is coming at the perfect time: 2 days after a staff meeting where the supervisors expressed a commitment to maintaining morale.

Newsflash: sudden, unexpected, mass dismissals are BAD for morale.

It's just one great big giant shithole here, sometimes.

In other news, in all areas unrelated to work, I am feeling pretty good.


The Magus

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