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I Have Agoraphobia! See my Agoraphobia!

Tenacious D Rocks.


2004-01-16 - 4:20 a.m.

Also, I've been growing my beard out, mainly out of laziness (oo! I've been meaning to mention this for like 9 months! I read an article in the newspaper about a study that said that men who don't shave every day are more likely to suffer an embolism of some sort! I don't shave every day! I'm an embolism waiting to happen! I'm not really all that excited about it, just that I've really, really wanted to work that study into a diaryland entry for a long time, so I could scoff at the way the article didn't even mention how the study was conducted, whether the connection might be related to lifestyle (ie, people who eat fast food all the time might also be lazy slobs and not shave) and the article totally made it sound like the length of one's whiskers was of mortal importance! Yay!, where was I? Ah, yes...), because I hate shaving. I don't primp much at all, really: I'm sort of the "shower-and-brush-my-teeth-and-I'm-done" kind of guy. These days, I do spend more time primping, because I now have really long hair that I have to braid, because otherwise it gets in my way. I plan to donate the hair to one of those "wigs for cancer" organisations, but I'm too lazy to try to find one of those organisations, and so the hair just keeps on growing.

Anyway, my beard is starting to annoy me with it's length, mainly because I've had to realize that I am now at the point where food can get stuck in it. I'm insecure enough without worrying about crumbs being everywhere.

I only mention this because, as I was eating my lunch, I started chewing on my moustache. Ew.


The Magus

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