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I Have Agoraphobia! See my Agoraphobia!

Tenacious D Rocks.

Moving Day Approaches

2003-12-30 - 7:23 p.m.

Still sick, but feeling better, and I also have the keys to my new apartment. I'm staying here at Pookie's until New Year's, mainly on account of there being a bed and food and all my stuff, but my days here are definitely numbered. I'm going to miss the Anti-Lit Demon Cat quite a bit, I think, and I wonder if he knows or suspects that I'm leaving - he's been extra-affectionate of late. I'm feeling kind of guilty about planning to adopt another cat, essentially to replace the Demon Cat, but I need to share my life with at least one other mammal.

Next entry, I swear, will be all about the book I'm reading on the Myth of Redemptive Violence, which, in a nutshell, is the cultural myth that violence is a good thing and that good can come of it. The book's title is The Powers That Be, and is another theological book, looking at nonviolence as a way to transform oppressive systems, be they corrupt national leaders or a nasty supervisor, into systems that are positive and healthy. Aside from the author's occassional lapse into "Because God said so" territory, it's not a bad little text.


The Magus

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