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I Have Agoraphobia! See my Agoraphobia!

Tenacious D Rocks.


2003-12-31 - 8:49 p.m.

*bzzt!* *crackle!* *tap-tap-tap*


Due to a scheduling conflict, the previously announced entry on The Powers That Be will be postponed. In its place will be an entry about New Year's Eve, Resolutions, and maybe other stuff. You may now return to your regularly scheduled reading.

*bzzt* *crack!* *pop!*

Ahem, sorry 'bout that.

It's not exactly going to be a bad New Year's Eve, but it's not likely to be one of my favourites, either. No drinking, having to work, and somehow getting myself stuck in "apartment limbo" wherein I begin the year by living half-way between the old residence and the new.

Still, I'm optimistic about "aught four", and in that spirit, I present to you my resolutions (I'm being suddenly struck with the certainty that I've already written about my resolutions here, so if I have, just pretend those were last year's):

1) I will not drink alcohol. I'm giving myself a concrete, solid goal here...instead of saying "I don't know how long I'm going to be sober" I can now tell people that I'm sober for at least the next 12 months. I can say I'm doing it as an experiment or test of will or something if I'm feeling too lame to tell the truth.

2)I will continue with my fitness-y stuff, and will also start watching what I eat to make sure that I'm being darn healthy.

3) I will receive at least one rejection letter for something that I've written, meaning that I will send out at least one thing that I've written.

4)I will write either 5000 words or edit for 5 hours a week, with occasional vacation weeks to keep me sane. I want to be a writer or an editor, and so I ought to start treating those things like the jobs they are.

I guess that's all for now. Nothing original, and I think they're attainable. I'll at least gain something by even trying to achieve them.

Well, time to get ready for work. I'm leaving for work a little early tonight, because I really don't want to usher in 2004 on a street by myself, on my way to being late.

Cheers, and all the best to you and yours.

The Magus

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