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I Have Agoraphobia! See my Agoraphobia!

Tenacious D Rocks.

Moving jitters and book request

2003-12-22 - 8:24 a.m.

I'm moving I must, must, must pack two boxes. Tomorrow I must pack two other boxes.

I'm excited about my new apartment, but also I'm worried about the change...yesterday, walking from work to the gym, I saw two guys fighting, like, on the main street, in public, just half-a-block from where my new apartment will be. I'm pretty confident that my apartment will be safe, but I'm being reminded that I'll be living in the middle of downtown, surrounded by about a billion gay and straight bars, strip clubs, XXX-rated video stores, crack houses (I'm guessing on this one, but I think it's a pretty easy guess).

Of course, I've lived in scary places before. I came home to one of my old apartments in Halifax one night to see the security guy mopping up a trail of blood in the lobby. That was when I lived across the street from "Crack Corner." I've actually, if you can believe it, been in a crack house, while there was actual crack being smoked (I'm sure I've told this story...but I can't be bothered to search the archives...if I haven't told it, I'll be glad to, sooner or later. It's not terribly exciting, and involved my being stupid (but unrepentantly so!) and at the time it seemed a heck of a lot more interesting than it probably really is...). I'm going to stop talking about crack now.

In other news, I'm starting to ask people if they'd mind composing a short list of "essential books for a lay-person to read if they want to know about my chosen field of interest." I need a better name for the list, but basically I want to start building a non-fictiony library (though books don't have to be non-fiction...Sidhartha, for example, would fit fine on a theological list), and I'm feeling like I want to start challenging myself. I've spent almost 5 years learning about Pookie's particular strain of theological study, and I think I'm much, much better for it. I'm going to have some pittance of Christmas money in January, maybe, so I'm looking for non-fiction-y book recommendations, no matter the field. If it's a book that you, faithful reader, happen to love, and happen to hold close to your heart, please let me know in the guestbook. Fiction's okay, too, but I've been feeling a little fiction-y overwhelmed lately.

And now I'm tired, so I am going home to go to bed.


The Magus

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