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Checking my List

2003-12-18 - 4:31 a.m.

My mood today? "Blah!" The exclamation point is important, because it is such a powerful exclamation of Blahness. So, to keep this entry from being one long rant about how blah I feel, I present to you A List:

1) I came in to work today because the other midnight guy was sick. I need the money, but I need it a little less now, as you will see in later points on this list.

2) Earlier tonight I really, really, really wanted to be able to have a super power that was activated by a cool word. I think that working at a gay men's voice personals phone line as the late-night customer service representative would be hugely improved if I could suddenly shout "Shazzam! Flame on! Twin Powers Activate!" and become the Norse God of Credit Card Processing in a clash of thunder and bolt of lightning. Sometimes having intense desires like these make it seem worse having to live in a world that isn't in a comic book universe.

3) I got a package of Christmas presents from my Dad. I actually got a lot of stuff today, so it's sort of like my unexpected Christmas, except without carols, fun, or sleep. My dad, who knows that I try to be a vegetarian, got me a really, really nice calfskin wallet, that I know I should use, but probably won't...not because a baby cow died for it, but because I have an old leather wallet that used to be my dad's that I've had for at least ten years and I'm kind of attached to it...I don't think my dad knows that I consider his old wallet an heirloom, so I'm thankful that he got me something nice. He also got some really wonderful gloves, a hardcover book in a genre I never read by an author I've never heard of (who looks like a rich, young, snob from the author photo on the back cover), and a "Mach 3 Turbo" shaving kit that included the niftiest part of the entire gift: a swiss-amry-knife-type-thing with a million attachments, including a saw-type attachment for cutting up small branches, a can opener AND a bottle opener, and an attachment that is just a metal bar with a tiny hole in it that might be for threading or something but I really have no idea...they may have added it in because they wanted to have as many attachments as possible. Are the attachments on swiss army knives actually called attachments, or are they called something else? I also got socks and chocolate, and a cheque for a chunk of money to be cashed on December 27th, which makes me think that I was supposed to wait until Christmas to open everything, but I guess I'm just going to lie and say I've set up all the packages under the tree. We don't have a tree, but my dad doesn't need to know that.

4)I thought lists were supposed to make things more ordered? I must be bad at this. Anyway, from work I received a bottle of wine (I'm gay, so I have to drink all the time, right? Who'd say "no" to wine? I'll save the bottle until my housewarming, I guess, and then let other people enjoy it. How come when I was drinking I never got free booze?) and an email saying that because of our company's economic prosperity, we shall receive a very much needed cash bonus on our paycheques for the end of the year. Score! I'll be able to buy groceries when I move out!

5) The deposit for my new apartment has cleared, which means that I'll be signing the lease soon, which is good. It'll be nice to have that finalized.

6) I got an A in my production editing course, and I'm just so glad it's over because I think I actually hate production editing, which is basically arts and crafts...I have NO pleasant memories of arts and crafts from my youth. In the sewing part of Home Ec in junior high the teacher was forced to give me points for effort (she seriously was...I couldn't sew my way out of a paper bag in that class). I have no idea what I got in grammar.

7)I am being reminded that I am really, really bad at packing. I have one box packed so far. At the rate I'm going, I won't be ready to move until the 22nd century. I'm also in major stress denial about the fact that I have no idea how I'm going to move the one big piece of furniture that I have. I don't know anyone who has a truck, and so it looks like I'll end up having to pay somebody to move it, and since I've never done that before I'm pretty sure I'll end up getting fleeced, because I have the bargaining skills of a limpet.

8) I wasn't sure what a limpet was, so I checked and it is "Any of numerous marine gastropod mollusks, as of the families Acmaeidae and Patellidae, characteristically having a conical shell and adhering to rocks of tidal areas." which doesn't sound very good at bargaining at all.

9)My goal tonight is simple: I will write my mom an email and let her know that Pookie and I broke up. This is just getting ridiculous.

10) Listening to the news, I'm thinking a great movie would be a slapstick comedy about virulent disease.

11)Also, and I know he's a horrible man who did horrible things to innocent people (using US funds and training for some of it), but I would pay good money to see the expression on George W.'s face if Hussein got a fair trial and was found not-guilty.

And I guess that's it. I guess I lead a full and active life. I'm still waiting for those super powers, though.


The Magus

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