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I Have Agoraphobia! See my Agoraphobia!

Tenacious D Rocks.


2003-12-13 - 10:30 a.m.

There was a bomb threat at work the other day. I missed it 'cause it was my day off, and for some reason I haven't even told anyone about it. It's probably the most exciting thing to happen at that place since I've been there and I keep forgetting to tell folks. So there, now you know, there was a bomb threat. They caught the guy (a disgruntled customer with some serious psychiatric issues) and he's now getting "help."

Speaking of severe psychiatric issues, I snapped at a co-worker today, and she is probably the worst co-worker I could have snapped at, since she was recently promoted to "Team Leader" and so has started pulling for the "Team" which means that when I say something even slightly negative about a supervisor, she defends him or her. She came in this morning really grumpy, and as usual I started walking on eggshells, and then, somehow, completely out of the blue, I found myself kind of ranting about how, while she might find the supervisors to be wonderful and understanding and so willing to listen, I may have a somewhat different experience of them, and that while she may feel that there are wonderful and great chances for advancement in that office, my personal experience has been markedly different. She finally said something about not wanting to have to handle my bitterness, and I packed up and got out of there and went to the gym and had a pretty decent workout and I'm feeling better, but I wish that my brain had warned me that I was going to snap, because I really would have liked to direct that anger at someone who might NOT rat me out to the head cheeses.

I have some pretty important things to say about the "WTF?!?!" feeling I have after hearing about my new government's sudden decision to make more cuts (even though our deficit has been gone for some time and we had a surplus or something) and to increase military spending. I knew I wouldn't like our new PM, and now I'm liking him less and less. Anyway, I'm too tired to write about that now. Blah.


The Magus

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