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I Have Agoraphobia! See my Agoraphobia!

Tenacious D Rocks.


2003-12-03 - 7:21 a.m.

So, in a matter of a few hours, I will be seeing the Wonder Apartment of Bliss and Ecstatic Joy (with yummy ice cream hidden in the cupboards and hoardes of cute little puppies hiding behind the furniture). I'll let you know how it goes.

I also have now had about 5.5 hours of sleep in the last two days. I am so freakin' tired.

And finally, one of the characters in my next novel is going to be a survivalist, and so I've been reading a bunch of survivalist websites and learning about how to survive if the world ends. I've also been reading some sites about how the world is going to end. I can now see myself taking basket weaving courses so that I can have a useful trade when the apocalypse comes. If anyone needs canned beans, I will soon have crates of them stockpiled, so just give me a call.

Slightly more seriously, I've been considering making myself a little more "disaster ready." The power outage that a huge chunk of North America experienced this summer, and the hurricane that trashed my home city of Halifax, have reminded me that I am completely not prepared for any sort of emergency. I've decided on a few projects that I'm going to work on over the next few weeks to make myself more prepared. For scary things. The projects are:

Taking a first aid course. I've wanted to take one for a long time, and I'm not getting any younger.

Buying a first aid kit to carry around in my backpack. It's a good idea in general, and since I've now witnessed more than two people get hit by cars in my lifetime, I can assume that I will see people get hit by cars again, and they might want some iodine.

Making my house "Blackout Ready". This involves getting a battery-powered radio, flashlights, some extra water and food supplies (I've heard that 72 hours is a good rule of thumb), and maybe that little generator/battery thing that I've seen advertised on television that is supposed to provide power for up to 12 hours or something.

Take a martial arts course. This is less related, because I don't think learning a martial art at the local Y is a very practical way to learn how to fight, unless I look for a street-fighting sort of teacher. But, there are some benefits to martial arts, like physical conditioning, mental discipline, and a few basic tricks for self-defence (which is fine because I'm a bit of a pacifist anyway, and don't really need to learn how to kill a man with my bare hands).

There. I am so freakin' tired.

Have I mentioned that I'm tired?


The Magus

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