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Tenacious D Rocks.

Angst and Bugs and Real Estate

2003-12-01 - 7:23 a.m.

So, today I call the Wonder Apartment of Bliss And Joy Which Will Solve All My Problems (I think it's wise to keep my expectations modest). I will probably get a machine with a message that says "Hi, If you're the guy I told to call back this morning, you're shit out of luck, because I rented the apartment to someone much more deserving than you. HAHAHA! Leave your message after the beep."

Alternatively, I'll love the apartment, move in, and find out that I share the space with a billion insects.

I've lived with cockroaches before, in my Halifax apartment, and at first they really didn't bother me. I had an attitude of "If they don't bug me (heh. sorry for the pun) I won't bug them." The attitude worked until one jumped on me when I was showering. That was a turning point.

So, while I am looking at this place, I'll be looking for tell-tale signs of bugs, as well as any other sort of common apartment pitfalls (like, say, pits).

Oh, I hope-hope-hope that it's a nice place and that I can get it. The rent is low enough that I'll be able to actually have dreams and goals and things.

It's really not a good idea to be so attached to a fictional apartment, but I don't think I can help myself. I'll handle the disappointment when it comes.


The Magus

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