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Space for rent

2003-11-28 - 2:32 p.m.

So today was Apartment Hunting Day, part 1. It was supposed to be part 80 or something, but I've been lazy and procrastinate-y and all that stuff.

It started out kind of dismal: I guess the first rule of being a Toronto landlord is to never answer the phone when it rings, so I ended up leaving a whole bunch of messages on a whole bunch of answering machines. The few people I did manage to get ahold of were either rude-sounding (which doesn't bother me too much: it likely means they won't be the kind of landlords who are constantly fussing) or just plain weird (like the lady who, when she found out I was looking for a place for January 1st told me that I was calling too soon and I should try back after December 15th - because normal people wait until 2 weeks before they move before finding a new place to live).

I was getting a little dispirited, having made only two apointments to see apartments, and one of those was a place too expensive, the other was for a closet.

But then things started to look up. I called a number for a place that is just around the corner from where I work, and it turns out that a cool co-worker of mine lives there (the landlord told me). the landlord herself sounded friendly and cheerful, and we practically had a conversation on the phone. The place is at the upper end of my budget, but I think I've heard good things about the place, so it's a good bet.

And then, my long-shot came in.

There's a gorgeous building that I walk past every day on my way to work, and last week an "apartment for rent" sign appeared on it. I called the number today, expecting that even if I got ahold of anyone it would be too expensive (it is such a nice apartment) or would be for a 14 bedroom or something. I got a machine when I called, so I left a message, and just now the guy - who sounded friendly as well - called me back, and the place is for a bachelor apartment and is easily within my budget. It's actually closer to the lower end of the prices out there. He said to call him back on Monday to arrange a time to see the place.

I just hope that either of those places work out for me....apartment hunting is pretty darn stressful, and I really just want to get it all overwith so that I can start planning my life as a single guy. As you can see by this thrilling entry about apartment shopping, the single life is all about fun and excitement and breathtaking adventure, and I can't wait to get on with the hooking up of amenities, discovering which insects I'm co-habitating with, and bounced rent cheques.

Maybe I should take up a career in espionage, especially if I plan to start writing interesting journal entries ever again.

Next Week: The Magus infiltrates an East European government!


The Magus

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