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I Have Agoraphobia! See my Agoraphobia!

Tenacious D Rocks.

An Entry Interrupted.

2003-10-12 - 5:24 a.m.

I'm going through a "Let's Ditch It All, Find a Cabin in the Woods, and Become a Reclusive Writer" phase.

I'm mostly finished one new short story, with ideas for 2 more percolating in my head, as well as a loose plot for my November Novel slowly developing.

I'm writing, too, which is always a good thing for someone who wants to be a writer. I'm also reading books about writing. I'm addicted to 'em. Don't ask me why.

I think I'm so focused on the nanowrimo thing because I'm lonely, and because there's a chance that I'll be able to use the local events that are being organised as a chance to meet other people, and maybe to make a friend or two.

Which makes me wonder how smart I actually am: to meet new people, I focus on writing? Why not decide to become a hermit instead?

And wow, I am completely in the wrong headspace to be writing this entry. If you must know, my head is currently inside a short story about a guy who gives himself a lobotomy to deal with his social anxiety. Which has nothing at all to do with anything I want to write about here. I'll have some more coherent entry later, I guess.


The Magus

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